Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day 2008 - Crafting Green

In the Crafters Challenge Yahoo Group Deborah reminded us it is Earth Day. There are many ways those of us who make things with our hands work green. Saving waste and energy through recycling, making over, using up, using earth friendly products.

So lets do a bit of sharing today, what do you do to lower your impact on the environment? Particularly what do you craft or make that re-uses, renews, recycles items. Please do share links to photos or your own blog articles in comments.

One of the things I do is searching for already shrunken sweaters in thrift stores. Then turn them into new items such as cell phone cosys.

Here is an example of a shrunken sweater sleeve.
Cut, re-sewn, added a vintage button, red cotton scraps for lining, and new rat tail cord and Scotty buttons.

Scotty - Wool Small Purse or Cell Phone Cosy

I make such items both for myself as well as for sale.

Look forward to seeing your ideas and what you make for fun or for profit. Thanks.


deborah said...

I just bought three wool sweaters at the church rummage sale next to work...they are in a hot wash right now...I am anxious to try something with them...I hope they work out as nice as your project did.

Jane Carlstrom said...

Thanks Deborah. I really enjoy making things from shrunken sweaters and hope you will too.

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